Welcome to Equitours

Discover the world by horseback

With over 40 years experience running international horseback riding vacations, we love, live and breathe horses and travel. Find the perfect riding vacation for you, with Equitours guiding you every step, canter and gallop of the way.

Special Offer

Spots open on Nile Safari in July

The Nile Safari in Uganda is a fantastic riding experience offering a unique perspective of Africa. The 2024 season has been booked up solid for some time, but spots just opened up on the July 14-21 date! If fast, fun riding through rainforest and along the banks of the Nile appeals, get in touch with Megan now ShareRedditEmail0...

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Featured: Safari by horseback

The most intimate way to experience African wildlife and beauty, a horseback riding safari will be an adventure you will never forget.

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This was one of the best experiences I have had. It was clear that the owners of this farm truly care for their beautiful horses, the environment, and the safety and enjoyment of their guests.

Nicosia, 2018

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Travelling with Equitours

Equitours has the finest collection of riding vacations worldwide. You select from only top quality destinations. We work to provide you with the perfect riding vacation, not just a ride that we can sell you, and will be there for you from the planning stage until you return from the ride. Equitours is more than a booking agent. We love, live, and breathe horses and travel. Your vacation is our passion.
Equitours maintains the highest standards for our rides and offers you only the cream of riding adventures in each category. We give unbiased assessments of the pros and cons of each ride and aim to find the most appropriate for your tastes, ability and pocket book. Some of the criteria we consider in choosing rides are the quality and care of the horses, the condition of the tack, the attractiveness of the countryside, the skill and friendliness of the guides, historical and cultural interest, food and drink and comfort of the accommodations.
One of our great strengths is that we are not just tour operators or travel agents.  We share your love of horses!  We run our own ranch in Wyoming, the Bitterroot Ranch, with around 170 horses (many of which we have raised and trained) where we personally take guests on rides every day. We also often accompany our guests on overseas riding tours which keep us in close personal touch with what riders are seeking in an equestrian vacation. You have many years of riding and international travel experience at your disposal by choosing Equitours as your host on your international riding vacation.