Novice Riders

The definition of a novice rider is: “A rider who is capable of mounting and dismounting unassisted, capable of applying basic aids, comfortable and in control at the walk, moderate length posting trots, and short canters.”

A riding holiday provides an ideal way for novices to gain miles and hours in the saddle which is difficult to achieve in daily life. All our instructional programs are wonderful options for the novice rider to gain more skill, but there are also trail programs where you can get experience out of the arena. In the US, in addition to the Bitterroot Ranch in Wyoming, both the Sugarbush Tolt Trek in Vermont and Hill Country trail program in Texas are wonderful options. Travel to Latin America and enjoy the Rainforest Adventure in Costa Rica, Rancho Puesto del Sol in Mexico or Estancia los Potreros in Argentina. Further afield is the Domaine des Garennes in France, Horizon Ranch in South Africa, or the Ultimate Hekla ride in Iceland; all wonderful options for the novice rider. You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy and benefit from a riding tour with Equitours!


Choose from 34 equestrian vacations related to Novice Riders

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Riding vacation jumping

Improve Your Jumping Clinic in Texas

The lovely ranch provides a tranquil setting for jumping instruction as well scenic trail rides. Your host and instructor has a background in centered riding with... Browse itinerary

Texas Cattle Working Clinic

Texas Cattle Working Clinic

Spend 3 days honing your skills in the Western equestrian sports of team penning and team sorting. This clinic is a great option for riders of... Browse itinerary

Domaine Des Garennes Ride

The Domaine des Garennes makes a fine central location to explore a charming region on horseback in France. A wonderful family or individual riding holiday option... Browse itinerary

Custom Kenya Safari

A custom Kenya safari with Equitours provided you with something beyond the ordinary; the ability to avoid the mini bus routes and get under the skin... Browse itinerary

Bitterroot Ranch

The Bitterroot ranch in Wyoming offers excellent riding for a broad range of ability levels. Everyone can enjoy varied trail rides through stunning scenery, with options... Browse itinerary

Classical Dressage in New England

The dressage instruction in New England offers an opportunity to experience a high caliber of instruction on highly trained schoolmasters. Whether just starting out in dressage... Browse itinerary

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