GMHA’s 65 acre facility provides an ideal location for competition in the five equestrian disciplines of eventing-Picture by Flatlands Photo.
The Green Mountain Horse Association has been an integral force in preserving and maintaining instructional programs and horseback riding in Vermont since 1926. As a nonprofit organization with over 1200 members and numerous conservation projects, the GMHA seems truly invested in its Mission:”The Green Mountain Horse Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the purpose of promoting and encouraging the raising, breeding, care and use of horses; providing facilities where its members may organize and carry out educational clinics and events for the training of horses and riders for trail, equestrian team trials and driving events, and developing and maintaining bridle trails in the State of Vermont and other such activities and purposes as may be desired by the members.” (The Founding Members, October 1926) In 2010 GMHA raffled Equitours Feast of the Conquerors riding vacation during their annual fundraising ball. The raffle winner, 72 year old Mary Allis Brown of Maryland, decided to share her trip with her good friend of more than a decade, Sarah Stableford.
As it turns out, Mary Allis is one of the oldest eventers in the US, with over 54 years of experience competing. I have had the pleasure of speaking with both Sarah and Mary Allis over the past few months and look forward to sharing their adventures with you.
In parting, I must pass along these words from Sarah Stableford: “You have to do what your soul tells you to do, and as it turns out, riding is my soul’s fulfillment.”