The Pushkar Fair and Diwali Festival ride combines many aspects of the ancient, exotic charm of Rajasthan with some splendid, fast riding on beautiful Marwari endurance horses. In the last 40 years since we began Equitours I have taken over a hundred rides. I have loved my gallops with the zebra in Kenya and my castle to castle rides in France stopping to taste the wine in vineyards on the way, but the magic of Rajasthan has drawn me back over a dozen times.
The rich culture, so much more ancient than that of Europe, is overpowering in its complexity and refinement. The Indian way of life is so different from ours that imaginative and adventurous tourists can’t help but be utterly intrigued. Lately India’s economy has progressed nearly as fast as China’s and society is changing rapidly, but this Korta Ride traverses a part to the country which has remained much as it was for millennia. You will visit small, remote villages where the local people tend their water buffalo, camels, goats, sheep and cows. There are dirt roads ideal for long canters and little traffic except for a few camel carts. The topography is dramatic in many places as you will be riding close to the spectacular Aravalli Hills, India’s second highest mountain range.
The adventure begins in Jodhpur with Diwali, the Festival of Lights, which is one of the most important Hindu celebrations when the whole town and the magnificent fortress which towers above it will be lit up in every imaginable way. At the end of the ride you will visit the Pushkar Fair. Local people come from many miles around to sell their camels, horses and cattle. There are many festivities including camel races and dances. You will be enthralled by the colorful pageantry of these two celebrations at the start and end of the trip and the fascinating life style in the remote villages you traverse on horseback which is such a contrast with our own. This ride should be a wonderful experience you will treasure for the rest of your life!
- Camel at the Pushkar Fair
- Traditional lamps lit for Diwali
By Bayard Fox, Equitours owner and founder