Views from the Saddle

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Polo at Estancia Los Potreros!

Horse riding alone is a daunting experience for some. Add a 52″ mallet, ball, open field and a set of rules to adhere to and one would think you have the definition of chaos. Not so. For a group of first timers we managed to shift the ball around the field while in motion (slow, yes but still in motion) and even score a couple goals.

Estancia los Potreros offers specific polo weeks for those a little more serious but for our group we were happy with the couple hours of tuition and practice followed by a social relaxed game. I felt like my horse was playing with me and the other guests agreed. These trustworthy horses would slow down when we were approaching the ball and even sidestep to let us “have a go”. I bet they were having a good chuckle at our expense after we untacked them.

Estancia Los Potreros has a fantastic string of amazingly patient horses to teach the beginner the game of Country Polo as well as offering seasoned horses for those with more experience. Proving its proficiency in this field the estancia was recently featured in the worlds leading polo magazine- Polo Times. Thanks goodness these photographers weren’t taking shots while I was visiting the estancia!

The words ‘Polo’ and ‘Argentina’ go hand in hand. Since 1949 the Argentinian’s have held the world champion title of this thrilling “Sport (or Game, as the debate continues) of Kings”. Estancia Los Potreros, near Cordoba, Argentina sports an impressive polo field where I was able to “stick and ball” for my first time at Country Polo.

Alongside me were other victims, oops I mean guests, also trying this noble sport. Somehow we didn’t look as dignified as those seen in a real competition! Our horses looked the part and we tried our best as we suited up in Los Potreros polo shirts, but somehow they didn’t match our ripped jeans, dusty boots and worried faces. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Who coined that phrase anyway?

For some interesting facts on the history of Polo, including the Game vs Sport debate and the Olympic inclusion issue, visit solarnavigator site.
