Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
Memoir by Equitours founder, Bayard Fox
In the last years of his life Bayard Fox completed his memoir, Fisherman, Rancher, Horseman, Spy which describes the origins of Equitours and its philosophy, as well as his adventurous life prior. In order to supplement the short summer... Browse article
Mozambique featured in CNN’s Inside Africa
The amazing story of our organizers of the Beach Safari in Mozambique was recently featured on CNN. Watch the three sections below for in glimpse of how they made the journey from Zimbabwe to settle themselves and their horses... Browse article
Bitterroot Ranch featured in New “1,000 Places to See Before You Die” Book
We are pleased to announce that our very own Bitterroot Ranch has been featured in the newest full color third edition of 1,000 Places to See in the United States and Canada Before You Die by Patricia Schultz. Long considered... Browse article
Living The Dream
Bayard Fox, founder of Equitours and Bitterroot Ranch, was featured in Hurlingham Polo From my ranch in Wyoming I can see a range of mountains, towering more than 13,000 feet into the sky. No other human dwelling in sight.... Browse article
A “must read” memoir for horse lovers written by our Mozambique outfitter.
One Hundred and Four Horses Equitours works with fascinating and inspiring riding tour outfitters all over the world but the story of Mandy and Pat Retzlaff, our Mozambique operators, is one of the most heart-touching, uplifting, and certainly unique.... Browse article
Bitterroot Ranch – A Video Tour
Please enjoy this video of the Bitterroot Ranch in... Browse article
Thursday, April 28th, 2011